
My 2023 Wellness Routine.

I’d like to think we all evolve over time. We learn, we grow, and we adjust what works for us. So, when it comes to wellness, as you can imagine, I have done a complete overhaul of my daily routine over the last several years.

When I was younger, my goal was to eat as little as possible and work out as much as possible all in the pursuit of staying skinny. I know…yikes. But don’t worry, my routine looks a little (okay, a lot) different now. Changing my routine over the years and focusing on the RIGHT things has made me a much happier and more well-rounded person. So, let’s get into it.

First and foremost, sleep is key. I know that without a good night of sleep, I can’t be my best self. It’s important to me to wake up early, get my workout in and take my kids to school before I start my day.

Okay, let’s back up and talk about the workout. While I wish I could just walk into any gym and do my own thing, I need more accountability and structure, so I’ve opted for a workout class that can do just that. For me, my workouts are strength based with bursts of cardio.

While movement has become a nonnegotiable in my life, we know that nutrition is at least 80% of the equation. When it comes to diet, I’ve worked to cut all foods that cause inflammation. That may be different for you than it is for me, but it can include things like processed foods, sugar, gluten, dairy and any additional food allergies you may have. I’ve also worked to increase my protein intake. This has been a game changer for me and is honestly one of the only metrics I use in terms of macros. I aim to eat my weight in protein everyday and can tell a difference in my hair, skin, and energy! Plus, it’s a major fat burner which is a plus.

I believe our nutrition should give us majority of what our bodies need, but supplements can help us fill any gaps we may have. For me, I think I’ve officially become an adult because I take all my vitamins every morning and night! I focus mostly on supplements that can help reduce inflammation, increase energy, and promote brain activity. If you’re just starting out, a brand like athletic greens (I take it daily) can give you all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need to help you perform at your best.

Lastly, and maybe the most important lesson that I’ve learned and implemented over the years is that mental health is connected to physical health. I’ve become acutely aware of who and what I allow in my space. The world can be overwhelming and even a bit negative, so I’ve chosen to be intentional when it comes to my own sense of peace. Whether it’s the books I read, the music I listen to or the environment I’m in, positivity is essential.

When it comes to wellness, I’m not perfect, but I wake up every day with a desire to be better than I was yesterday. Becoming the best versions of ourselves is a never-ending process and health is a big part of that for me. Cheers to your own health journey this year. I hope this inspires you to dig deeper and find out what works for you!

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