
3 Lessons I’ve Learned in 2019

Well it’s safe to say that 2019 has been very good to me. The highlight was obviously opening Jess Salon and having the opportunity to expand it. It’s been immensely humbling, exciting, difficult, overwhelming and SO rewarding. With all that being said, I’ve learned more than I could have imagined. So much so that it was hard to pick 3 lessons that stand out most. But I’m a firm believer that we are put on this earth to learn and grow from each other. So here are the things I learned that I thought would be most helpful to all of you as you begin to prepare for 2020!

I learned to Delegate. Wow, this was a hard one. When you own a business, it becomes like another child. You have to nurture it, love on it and grow it. So when it comes to handing pieces of it off to someone else, it’s not always easy. That being said, I realized if I was going to grow and meet the expectation of those around me, I would need to train and develop others so that they could do that scope of responsibilities better with their exclusive attention than I could with everything else I was juggling! This has been a game changer for my business AND my personal life.


I learned to stop and smell the roses. Let’s be honest, life gets busy and often times we forget to stop and appreciate what’s happening around us. I’m in a fast moving industry where things are constantly changing and it’s easy for me to forget to step back and look at the progress I’ve made. I quickly realized I wouldn’t be happy or satisfied if I didn’t take the time to enjoy the wins. Life is meant to fun and this year I’ve learned that I’m a better version of myself when I prioritize that.



I learned not to limit myself. Talk about something that impacted EVERY part of my life! Whether it was my business goals, relationships, personal brand or being a wife and mom, I stopped telling myself that I wasn’t enough or that I couldn’t do something. I have proven to my self over and over again that my intuition is strong and if I set my mind to something, I can achieve it. I can’t even begin to explain how freeing this was for me this year. I leaned in, trusted my gut and my world changed for the better.


Although 2019 was awesome, I’m confident that if I can take these lessons with me into the new year, 2020 will be even better. I have confidence in you too, sister.


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