
Family Pictures Beauty Hacks


It’s that lovely time of year again ladies where we spend too much on the outfits we wear because we looked for them last minute. And we experience that one day that makes us think of the apocalypse as possibly a little worse than what we just experienced! I’m just kidding 🙂 maybe that is just my experience with family picture day!

Along with the craziness that the day has to bring with the kiddos and matching outfits, we also have to think about making our hair just right and then keeping it looking perfect until and throughout the photos! I thought I would help you out with one thing on your plate and teach you some tricks with your hairstyle i’ve learned along the way.

Picking a Hairstyle

My rule of thumb when thinking about my hair for pictures is for one to pick a sty;e that is true to me. The last thing I want to do is create these great pictures but look at myself and think “oh that’s not me, I don’t look like myself”. A few options to choose from are : straight, soft waves, tossed curls, or partially up! Another factor to take into account is the environment you will be in. Will it be windy? Is it a busy background? Will you be chasing after little kiddos? All of those factors will affect what type of style will work best for you.

Tips to Ensure Your Hair is Looking Fresh

The first tip is that having dirty hair for an event is a myth. Let me be the first to tell you that Today is the day to wash your hair and make sure to Blowdry. The rest of these tips I will beak down by hairstyle. 

If you are doing Soft Waves…

-When curling your hair, be sure to take good size sections to curl and prep the hair with Dry Shampoo.

-Curl all your hair away from your face 

-When you’re finished let curls set and finish with a texture spray. 

-Loosely tease a few sections of your crown.

-DO NOT brush out

If you are doing Tossled Curls…

-Be sure to always prep hair with a dry shampoo 

-Take small sections when curling

-Rotate each curl 

-Set with a texture spray 

-DO NOT brush out

If you are doing Straight Hair…

-Use volumizing products in your blowdry

-Use a round brush to blowdry your “Mohawk section” straight up

-After straightening, tease the crown of your hair and spray tease with a dry shampoo 

-Finish with a shine spray 

Take with you to the shoot…

  • Comb
  • Light hair spray or texture spray
  • Ventilated brush
  • Small clear elastics

It’s Go Time

Now that we have arrived you can now take that ventilated brush and comb out those soft waves and the teasing we did beforehand . Waiting to brush out the curls will let them set so they will last longer. Brushing out the tease is helpful because let’s face it, teasing is out of style but volume isn’t so brushing out teasing will give you lots of volume and movement! Then top it off with your favorite finishing spray!

If you had tousled curls then use your fingers and comb through your curls. Then, you will flip your head over and shake , and flip your head back up! Top this fun look with a texture spray.

Troubleshooting the Chaos

We all experience something we didn’t plan on while shooting whether it be the weather, our children doing something crazy or just plain ole my hair didn’t stay. Here are a few tricks when those pesky moments come.

– Before a posed picture, split your hair in the back & push hair to the front, then, reach a hand back by your neck to clear hair from your deflate  

– If you are learning over, or have your head looking down at all, then push all your hair to one side so all of your profile is showing when bent over.

– Don’t be afraid to put your hands in your hair on those candid shots! Trust me, they will be your favorite if you just go with it!

– if it is super windy, then use those clear elastics to loosely pull back a half pony  and leaving some hair in the front!


Check out my video on IGTV to see some of these tips in action!


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