
Scalp Care & How to Grow Your Hair

What is Scalp Care and why are we just now really hearing about it? The vast majority of people are just now hearing this term and learning the importance because within the last 2 years A LOT of us have experienced extreme hairloss due to Telogen Effluvium. Telogen Effluvium is also known as Post Traumatic Hair Loss which is most common post partum and after a major surgery. Up until the past couple years, on average, there were about 2 in 10 of my clients experiencing this due to trauma or an extremely stressful event in their life or the reasons I listed before. Now, I would safely say 7 in 10 of my clients have had to experience this after getting very sick these last couple years.

When we have lost 30-60% of our hair in a very short amount of time, naturally we would be scouring the internet for any possible supplement or product to stimulate our hair to come back! I can completely empathize as this is what influenced my research as well last year and brought me back to the basics! Well I am here to tell you that the road back to normal is not quick however, it is comprised of simple steps to add into your weekly regimen.

Remove the Stressors

The first thing we want to do is not be doing those things that push our hair to its limits. Some of these things would be

  • Remove your permanent extensions & switch to a non damaging method like a Halo
  • Hold off on bleaching your hair
  • Stop putting your hair in mid to high ponytails or buns… etc.

We want to stop anything that puts tension on the hair and scalp and would make the hair more brittle.

Clean up your Supplements

There are many supplements out there that are full of promises and not only fall short but may also be causing additional trauma to your hair and body. The big one I know so many of us gravitate to is to take an insane amount of Biotin or hair growth supplements. This is a topic for another time, but, trust me just stop taking those right now and you will already see an improvement! If you want more information on why I strongly discourage biotin, then check out my video HERE .

What I DO recommend is to take a liquid collagen because collagen is just one of those supplements that your body has a difficult time absorbing and liquid is known to be much easier for your body to absorb! I also recommend taking an iron supplement as that is another vitamin that our bodies struggle absorbing and good for us, this one does come in a liquid form as well!

Along with revisiting your supplements, I highly recommend making sure that you are ingesting an adequate amount of protein because our hair is made protein so naturally we need to be getting enough of it! I would recommend no less than a minimum of 50 grams a day. To also ease your digestive system when adding in more protein I have seen so many people see better results by taking plant based protein over whey protein!

Incorporate Scalp Care

The last step is to begin your scalp care regimen. These things are easy to do a few nights a week and make a HUGE difference is your hair growth journey while also creating healthy and stronger hair.

  • Use a gentle clarifying shampoo in the shower to rid your scalp of build up and give it a good fresh start
  • Use a scalp oil to calm the inflammation and create an environment where your scalp can generate growth
  • On Day 2 , 3, etc. at night you want to exfoliate your scalp with a gentle scalp brush to remove buildup at the scalp, redistribute your natural oils through your mid strands, and stimulate blood flow.

Getting our Body healthy and Hair back on track to grow and do what it is supposed to do requires a lifestyle approach but the journey is so worth it to have healthy, strong hair that is all yours and not dependent on a magical pill or treatment to keep it that way. I want you to know that you are not alone in this experience and I talk to so many women daily about this who are all in different stages to give them guidance on what to do next! Follow me on Instagram for more hair tips! @jess.hallock


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