
How to Fit Your Halo

  • Take your halo out of the box and add a few fresh curls to the halo if needed. Then brush the halo to the curls are a soft wave.
  • To create the sectioning to place your halo, part your hair in a “halo” shape by scooping 1” from your hairline around to middle of the bend of you head in the back with your fingers.
  • Using a clip, secure the hair you sectioned on top of your head and cleanly out of the way
  • At this point you will have a “Halo” of hair around your face.
  • Take the halo and hold it in front of you with your thumbs on top of the weft and pinky and ring fingers on the wire.
  • Then holding the halo in that position, bring it behind and place the halo from back to front. Keep holding onto the wire with your dominant hand if needed while you place it exactly where you want in the front.
  • *TIP* Resist the urge to push the halo down on your head. (The halo is not secure yet and after 20-30 minutes of wear it will settle in and feel secure)
  • Unclip your hair and drop the hair down on top of the halo
  • Using your tail comb, use the comb end and comb gently over the wire towards your face in the center.
  • Continue to comb over the wire towards your face as you work your way around the wire to the weft above the ears.
  • Then using your Detangler Brush, brush your hair and the halo hair together. Be sure to hold the top of the weft with one hand while you brush the halo.
  • *TIP* styling your hair almost straight with just a bend sometimes blends more naturally into a halo if your hair is short
  • *TIP* if your halo feels loose or tight, you can adjust the wire by moving the hook along the notches on the weft to make it tighter or looser

Here is the link to my IGTV!

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