
Diets and Supplements for Hair Growth

Often times when it comes to our health, we have a habit of looking at it as one dimensional. For example, if our skin is breaking out, we draw the conclusion that it must be a skin problem. Or maybe we’re struggling with sore joints and we chalk it up to our aging bodies. Similarly, when our hair isn’t growing, feels dry or even starts falling out, we isolate the problem to a hair issue.

Although I can understand this way of thinking because we’ve all been there, it will never actually help us get to the root of the problem. Most health issues across the board start on the inside and then manifest themselves on the outside. And in my experience, the same goes for our hair. Whether it’s an autoimmune issue, hormone imbalance, inflammation or vitamin deficiency it’s all connected and can impact our bodies in a variety of ways from anxiety to low energy to hair loss.

Okay, so you’re probably thinking what I thought when I had my own epiphany….now what? While I’m not a doctor and cannot offer you medical advice, I can tell you about my experience and the experiences I’ve seen while working behind the chair. So here are a few things I would recommend to get started when it comes to ensuring you’re getting the right nutrients for your bodies AND hair. You can also watch the video where I break this down HERE.

– Assess how you’re feeling. And I mean really think it through. How’s your energy? Are you having any external symptoms? What’s your hair health like? Be specific.

– Get your blood work done. I’ve seen a naturopath, doctor, nutritionist, etc. and they’ve all helped me to better understand where my body needs extra help. This is a gamechanger. I recommend getting this done at least once a year so that you know what your body actually needs.

– When it comes to hair health, the vitamins and supplements you need to promote healthy hair really isn’t that different than what you need to support a healthy body. So ditch the biotin (no, really though, it’s not great) and try these instead (I linked my favorites):

    • Vitamin D – This is the sunshine vitamin, but it can also be found in things like tuna and salmon. Over the last couple of years we’ve heard a lot about this super supplement and how many of us are deficient in it. While it’s always ideal to get your nutrients from food, supplementation can go a long way in keeping us healthy.
    • Iron – Hello energy! If you’re dealing with fatigue, you may be struggling with your iron levels. Plus, it’s great for your hair! You can find iron in well-sourced meats, but I also take a liquid form of it since it’s a bit harder for our bodies to absorb.
    • Magnesium – This may be one of my favorites. Magnesium calms our bodies, helps with sleep and even contributes to less brain fog. You can find it in greens, nuts, seeds and even dark chocolate.
    • Omega 3, 6, & 9 – Otherwise known as fish oil, omegas are game changers when it comes to inflammation and even our mental health. And as we know, inflammation, stress and hair loss are all related. Combatting one will most likely help the other. Incorporate more fish into your diet or try the supplement I linked!
    • Collagen – I just recently found this out, but collagen is a PROTEIN. And guess what? Your hair is made up of proteins. So naturally, it’s important to consume at least 50-80 grams of protein per day. In my opinion, collagen is a skin and hair superhero.

Lastly, I LOVE a good GREENS powder. It’s not always easy to sit down and eat 6 servings of greens  a day. In fact, most of the time it’s near impossible. I love adding my favorite greens powder to my morning routine so that I can be sure I’m getting everything I need for the day first thing in the morning. There are TONS of nutrients that our hair, skin and bodies need in these.

Also, while multi-vitamins can be great, I would suggest supplementing each of these separately. From my experience, our bodies absorb them much better that way. Plus, I’ve linked all of my favorites to make it easy.

At the end of the day, you only have ONE body and ONE brain. And as we’ve learned, they are more connected than we could ever know. A healthy person doesn’t mean a skinny person. A healthy person is a joyful person with a glowing outside and healthy inside.

My own health journey has been life changing and I’m excited to hear how your life changes too.

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