Well friends…2020 is off to an amazing start. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for what this year is going to bring. Honestly, I’m committed to making this my best year yet. That being said, I know that doesn’t happen overnight and I know it takes work. But instead of creating a list of resolutions, I decided to create a mantra that I’m going to live by and make decisions by. My mantra revolves around the word “nurture”. This year I am going to nurture myself, my family and my business.Last year I did a lot of amazing things and worked on big projects, but I was spread thin. I learned that doing 10 things well is probably not possible. So this year, I want to choose my “big rocks” and focus my efforts into making them as fruitful as possible. I’ve chosen pieces of my life that I want to grow most and I plan to do that by finding the gaps, filling them in and making them stronger. I truly believe that if I can focus on these specific areas, I’m setting myself up to be more successful in the future.
As I mentioned, my mantra is to nurture myself, my business and my family and although I didn’t set strict resolutions, I did make promises to myself that will allow me to hold true to this mantra. Here are a few of the ones I think are going to make the biggest difference for me this year:
This year, I’ve decided that I’m going to be home every night of the week except for one. It’s easy for me to get lost in projects at the salon, but I’m focused on building an evening routine for my family and being more present in that time together. Whether it’s making dinner, doing the laundry or just laying on the couch with my husband and kids, I truly believe this is going to be a game-changer for me.
This year, I’m going to take the pressure off and show myself a little more love. I don’t have to do everything perfectly, but sometimes I make myself feel like I have to. I’m going to adjust my expectations while still holding true to my standards. Maybe that means asking for more help or shifting my own processes. In addition, I’m going to build in time for self-care. I won’t put off activities that I know make me a better person like going to the gym, keeping doctor’s appointments, getting a massage or even just grabbing a coffee with myself.
This year, I’m investing more in my stylists. I’m so grateful to have this team of stylists working alongside me. Each of one of them brings something different to the table and provides so much value to their clients. I’ve started to implement monthly 1:1’s with each of them in order to dive into their personal goals and our team goals more thoroughly while outlining a plan of how we are going to surpass them together. Every month my focus will shift a bit in order to maintain my “nurture” theme for the year, but I’m committed, excited and motivated to make this year amazing. I would say I’m off to a pretty good start.