
What Five Factors Cause Brittle Hair

When it comes to hair care, it’s not a one size fits all approach. My clients have a variety of colors and styles that I help them to maintain, but they all have one thing in common: nobody wants to have dry or brittle hair. That being said, although everyone wants their hair to appear soft and silky, the road to getting it varies person to person. Why? In my opinion, there are 5 main factors that cause our hair to dry out and they aren’t necessarily what you would think.

If you find yourself wishing for smoother locks, try taking a look at these five areas. One of them may be the cause of your hair issues and once we find the problem, we can come up with a solution.

1. Excess Heat

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but if you haven’t, I’m about to equip you with some essential hair knowledge. Heat is one of the main causes of dry and brittle hair. And I’m not talking about the weather. Did you know that your hairdryer can get up to 150 degrees? It sounds aggressive, right? Just wait. Your straighter or curling iron often heats up to 320-450 degrees! Using one of these tools even once a week can cause more damage than most people realize.


2. Over – Processing

We always want what we can’t have, right? I get it and there’s nothing wrong with coloring your hair. However, it’s essential that you trust your colorist with his/her recommendation when it comes to what’s best for your hair. If you can, try to pick a style where you can go 10-12 weeks without coloring. I know it’s not always ideal, but trust me, you’ll thank me in the long run.

3. Hormone Imbalances

This is what I meant by a few unexpected causes. If a client comes to me and all of a sudden their hair is drying out and they haven’t made any major changes to their styling techniques, I always tell them to have their bloodwork done. More times than not, your hair is a symptom of a larger issue. Thyroid imbalances, postpartum and vitamin deficiencies can drastically change the texture of your hair.


4. Too Much Biotin

Totally opposite of what you thought right? We’ve been told that the more biotin the better, but that’s not always the case. Too much of a good thing can actually become a bad thing. Typically, your body does a good job of producing biotin on its own which means if you’re over producing, it can have the opposite effect. If you start taking biotin, monitor your results for the first two months. You’ll know if your hair begins to suffer.

5. Stress

Trauma can absolutely change the texture of your hair, causing severe dryness. My clients are always hesitant to believe that this can actually be the problem, but I promise you it can have a drastic impact. So often when we go through difficult times, whether it’s divorce, sickness, financial stress, etc. our bodies make us think we’re fine, but the trauma manifests itself in other ways. It may sound surprising, but one of those ways is through dry/brittle hair. If this is happening to you, don’t worry! Once you recover, so will your hair.

If you’re frustrated with your hair and you don’t know where to start, evaluate these 5 factors first. My guess is you’ll probably find your answer.










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