
3 Tips for Ultimate Hair Growth

Have you ever started growing your hair and felt like it took 3 years to get it even close to your goal?

Okay, maybe 3 years is dramatic.

But in all seriousness, growing your hair can feel brutal, especially if you’re going from a super short cut to long, luscious locks. So, what’s the secret? Well, I’m excited to share that I have a few tips that can make a huge difference.

These tips can serve all hair types, lengths and textures and trust me when I say, you’ll be shocked at how quickly your growth starts to pick up. Let’s dive in.

The Inside – Out Approach

I often have clients ask me what products they can use to make their hair grow faster. While there certainly are great products out there that can help, hair growth isn’t just about treating your actual hair. In fact, what’s happening on the outside of our body (hair, nails, skin) is a direct reflection of what’s happening on the inside of our body. So that’s where I would start.

First, hydration is key. I know that we’ve all heard 8 glasses of water a day is a good goal, but I say double it. At least. The more hydrated you are, the better.

Second, pay attention to your protein intake. Did you know that one of the first signs of a protein deficiency is poor hair health? Not to mention your hair is literally made up of a protein called keratin. Exposure to chemicals, poor maintenance and our environment can break down those proteins leading to damaged hair. So, it makes sense that adding more protein to your diet can make a difference.

Lastly, supplements, supplements, supplements. Did I say supplements? I’ve done videos on this topic in the past, but I can’t preach this enough. Obviously, it would be great to get all of our hair-healthy nutrients from food, but that’s not always easy. When it comes to hair, here are the supplements I swear by:

Plus, all of these supplements have a variety of other health benefits too. Win-Win.

Scalp Care Regimen

When your scalp is clean and healthy, it promotes healthy cells which in turn promotes a healthy environment for hair to grow. But is washing your hair enough? Well, not quite.

I believe we all need a scalp care regimen and I have mine down to a science.

First, Use a clarifying shampoo at least once a week. Twice is perfectly acceptable depending on your goals.

Next, scalp brushing is a must. And yes, it’s a real thing. This isn’t meant to take the place of brushing your hair, but it’s a way to refresh the skin on your head while stimulating your scalps capillaries and creating an oxygenated environment for hair to grow. Do this 2-3 times per week.

Then start to wean off dry shampoo and heavy styling products. I know this is a tough one but remember that these products don’t just touch your hair, they sit on your scalp. The less of these you can use, the better the condition of your scalp will be for optimal hair growth.

Lastly, use scalp oil in the shower. There are tons of different oils to choose from, but the goal is to moisturize, soothe and stimulate the scalp. Plus, they usually smell and feel lovely. Added bonus.

Minimal Heat and Lived in Color

This is another tough one to get people to adopt, especially if you have a routine and color recipe that you’ve followed for years. That being said, I promise it will make a huge difference.

First, consider a simple swap. Instead of using a flat iron to get super smooth hair, us a blow-dryer and a boar brush. The heat from the dryer doesn’t make direct contact with your hair like a flat iron and the boar brush will give you the smooth, straight look you’re going for.

Next, use your curling iron 1-2 times per week at most. The best part about curling is one you master it, you can make those curls last for days! Just remember, the less heat the better.

Lastly, when you get your color done, consider a low maintenance color that compliments your natural hair color so that the grow out is manageable. Using harsh colorants or getting it done too frequently can definitely hinder the growth you’re looking for.

Okay I know that may feel like a lot, but like anything, once you get in a routine and start seeing results, you’ll be hooked. I truly believe that the tips I laid out above will have a dramatic impact on your hair growth journey AND lead to a healthier you in the process.

Why not start today?

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