
5 Ways I Conquer Back Pain

It’s no secret that I’m prone to back pain. On top of being in a profession where I stand majority of the day doing hair, I’ve also had two C-sections that have affected me ever since I welcomed my babies into this world. Don’t get me wrong, it was worth it, but I’ve had to figure out how to live with these constant aches on a daily basis.

Finding remedies has been lots of trial and error. I’ve had tons of recommendations, but what I’ve learned is everyone is different and the same thing doesn’t work for everyone. After a number of years, I have finally figured out what works for me and I thought it would be helpful to share in case you’ve lost hope that you’ll ever have a happy back again.

Remember, this may not work for everyone, but I’ve seen (and felt) it make a massive difference in my life.

1. Massages

You may be thinking, “Duh, Jess”, but let me explain. I’ve had plenty of massages that feel nice, help me relax and maybe even smooth out a couple of knots. There is nothing wrong with that type of massage, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. The secret is to find a massage therapist who is willing to treat the root of the problem rather than just your symptoms.

2. Chiropractor 

If you have never been to a chiropractor, run there now. It’s amazing how out of whack our bodies can get just from our day to day activities and the pain that misalignment can cause. One thing I’ve learned from the chiropractor is that everything is connected. If your hips are out of alignment, it can cause back pain, which can cause neck stiffness, etc. The beautiful thing about the chiropractor is that they treat the whole body, which will ultimately relieve the tension in your back.


3. Speed Walking

I know this may not be your favorite remedy, but hear me out. I realized after a number of years that standing was actually making my back hurt because of the pressure I was putting on it. Much like the chiropractor and massage therapist, I needed something to loosen me up. I started taking 20-30 minutes out of my day to just walk (briskly I might add) and I can’t begin to tell you the difference just loosening up my muscles made. It has truly been life changing and it’s definitely the most cost effective option.

4. Weight Lifting

As I continue to learn more and more about exercise, it’s amazing how impactful core strength can be. A weak core can lead to poor posture, back pain and muscle injuries while having a strong core can actually make most activities more manageable. I’ve been trying to work in light weight lifting, primarily focusing on my glutes and back in hopes of rebuilding my core strength. So far, I think it’s working. Plus, the perks of having a strong looking lower body aren’t so bad either.


5. Gluten-Free

Okay I know that this is a tough one, but it’s also one of the remedies that has made the biggest difference when it comes to joint pain. If you think about it from a scientific perspective, it makes sense. Gluten is an inflammatory and inflammation can lead to joint pain. Simple enough. Ever since I stopped eating gluten (at least 90% of the time) I noticed a significant decrease in pain. I know it’s not as much fun to pass up the pasta or birthday cake, but if you’re serious about eliminating your back pain, this is the way to do it.

I hope this helps and gives you a few ideas on how to finally beat your back pain and start feeling like yourself again. 

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