
How I Built My Business Year Over Year

I’m going to try and keep this as short and sweet as possible, but I’m not going to lie, I could write a whole book on this topic.


Starting a business is hard work. It takes a ton of time, endless insights and you have to learn to trust yourself, even if sometimes you mess up because at the end of the day you are your biggest advocate.

That being said, in my opinion, growing a business may be even harder than starting one. I think that so often people have these BIG visions and massive plans, but once it happens, they forgot that they have to keep envisioning the future of their company and keep planning for what’s next. I think that remembering this is one of the reasons I’ve continued to grow year over year.


If you’ve started your business and you’re ready to take it to the next level, here are 5 tips I have that will help you make it happen.


  1. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is a big one. In order to grow, you have to change and evolve and that it not an easy task. in fact…change is pretty much the definition of uncomfortable. I believe that if we stay comfortable, we get complacent and complacency is the enemy of growth.
  2. Stay inspired. Whether it’s people in my own industry or outside of it, this is a non-negotiable for me. We live in an entrepreneurial age and everywhere you look there is someone crushing it. My goal is to learn as much as I possibly can from those people. Why wouldn’t I? I want to continue to take my business to the next level and I believe I learn how to do that by watching my peers.
  3. Listen to your audience. This takes humility, but it’s a game-changer. Sometimes it’s amazing feedback and sometimes I learn that there’s something I can do better. Regardless, if I stop listening to my audience, I take myself out of the game because they are the ones who are going to keep investing in me. My advice is to take as much time as possible to invest back into them.
  4. Know your numbers. Even when I know I’m having a killer revenue month, I still know where I’m at every day. I make goals and when I hit them, I sit down and figure out how I can plan for and hit the next one. I never stop striving for something and that makes ALL the difference.
  5. Visualization is a powerful tool and I swear by it. It’s probably why I wrote an entire blog post on it. You have to believe in what your future holds and I don’t mean just dreaming about it. I mean sitting down and envisioning yourself hitting 150% of your monthly goal. Get specific and start telling yourself that you can do it.


If you’re about to start a new venture or you’re planning on growing your current one, try out these tips…I promise it’s how I am where I am today.





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