
The 2020 Hair Trends You’ll Love

Just like my 2020 resolutions, there’s a theme when it comes to hair trends this year. And I’m not mad about it.

Are you ready for it?

Welcome to the year of “Warmth and Texture”.

Gone are the days of harsh “ashy tones” and to be honest, I couldn’t be happier. In my opinion, we just needed to get it out of our systems. Now we are moving on to something I’m in full support of. Think of your hair the same way you think about makeup. It’s  supposed to be dewy, soft, warm and contoured with a pop of color here or there. That’s exactly how we should treat our hair color. I always find myself telling my clients that I like their winter hair best and that’s because it’s usually when it looks most like what I just described.


When it comes color, allow your stylist to play up some of the natural tones in your hair and then ask for a bit of soft dimension to balance it out. If you’re used to being ashy blonde, it may take a minute to get used to, but once you do, I promise you’ll love it!

To compliment these beautiful, soft tones, stylists are adding TONS of texture to their cuts. To achieve this look, ask your stylist where your hair is fullest and cut it close to that length. You can always add extensions to create more fullness if you’re not someone who has a ton of it.


If you have long hair, add more texture around your face or even consider changing up your look and chopping your hair to your collarbone. The point is, long hair or short hair, embracing this new trend it much healthier for your hair. Have fun with it and play up your natural color, style, fullness and length.


In addition to these new cut and color trends, you’ll also see lots of air styling, wet to dry products and less heat. Things are changing this year as you can see and I’m all for it. Step outside of your comfort zone and embrace some of this shift! Your hair will thank you later.





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