

It’s summertime and often times that means we’re throwing our hair in a messy bun to avoid the heat or jumping into a pool, both of which can lead to hair tangling more easily.

But it doesn’t have to.

In fact, after living in Arizona, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to prevent hair from tangling. Regardless of where you live or what season, these tips will remain true and I’m excited to share them with all of you!

Okay, here we go.

First, Hydration.

We’re constantly hearing how important hydration is when it comes our bodies, but guess what? The same is true for our hair. If we want to reach optimal hair health, we have to create an environment for it to thrive. Makes sense, right?

I recommend using a few different products to increase hydration including a hydrating conditioner, leave-in conditioner, blowdry crème and a hair oil.

Pro tip: If you have coarse, curly, dry or extensions, apply the oil at night.

It may seem like a lot, but with the right products, you’ll see AND feel a difference immediately.

Next, Blowdry your hair smooth with Ensemble brushes.

Regardless of whether you have curly, straight, coarse hair or extensions, you’ll see a significant difference when you blowdry your hair with a boar brush. When we use a nozzle on our blowdryer in conjunction with a boar brush, we’re directing the cuticles to all lay in the same direction while also smoothing them out and sealing in the moisture.

Third, I love a nighttime routine. And your hair can benefit from it too!

We all have those small habits that make our night a little sweeter like taking a warm shower, winding down with a good book or having your favorite essential oil diffusing. When it comes to your hair, at the very least, you should be brushing your hair with a detangler each night and putting it in a loose bun on top of your head with a scrunchie.

A couple of other pro tips when it comes to what you can do at night to keep your hair from tangling. If you have extensions, you should be loosely braiding your hair or pulling it up on the top of your head. And if your hair is curly, a silk pillowcase is a must!

Lastly, prioritize your routine hair trims. When your ends are split or dry, they stick together, making it harder to do what you want them to do and leading to easy tangling. When you plan out your hair trims in advance, you can ensure that your ends stay clean and crisp, giving you more control.

Taking care of your hair requires a bit of effort but making these small changes can make a huge difference, especially when it comes to tangle free hair.

Can’t wait for you to try these tips! Let me know what you think at @jess.hallock.

Happy Detangling!

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    1. If it is tangling then it is dry! Use the spritz spray or an oil to hydrate it… if it needs more then wash it and do a deep condition 🙂

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