
My Top 3 Inspiration Hacks

We live in a world that allows us to constantly stay inspired. In fact, if you look at Instagram, people have literally made a career out of inspiring others. So why not take advantage of it? I’ve decided to tap into my inner influencer and share my top three tips for staying inspired every week.


When I sit down to plan out my week (typically Sunday or Monday), I’m already listening to a podcast. For me, podcasts help me to see my life, business and brand from an outside perspective. It’s easy to get in my own head and forget to think outside of the box, but podcasts help me to simplify my complicated thoughts and dream bigger.

The best part about podcasts is that you can literally get inspired anywhere because you can listen to them while you’re driving, doing dishes, working out or even on the job if you’re a stellar multitasker. There are so many podcasts available to us from industry specific advice to celebrity gossip to comedy to business. I tend to gravitate towards ones that offer business advice because there are so many talented women with so much wisdom to share.

Here are a few of my favorites, but just be prepared, these women might change your life and convince you to quit your job and start the business of your dreams. Proceed with caution.

Jenna Kutcher, Goal Digger Podcast

Favorite Episodes:

Episode 244 Launch Your Dream Biz in Just 90 minutes Per Day

Episode 241 Our Best Instagram Tips Ever

Episode 239 How Being Decisive Leads to Success

Episode 229 How to Create the Perfect Offer for Your Audience

Episode 180 What No One Tells You About Being a Mom and Running a Biz

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Favorite Episodes:

Episode 126 Do You Struggle with Perfectionism

Episode 4 Are you a Marathoner or a Sprinter

Episode 2 All or Nothing

Rachel Hollis, RISE Podcast

Favorite Episodes:

Episode 56 The Lie – I’ll Start Tomorrow

Episode 29 Motivation Isn’t Just for Those in Business


Instagram is another source of inspiration for me, but often in a different way. Like I said, when it comes to podcasts, I typically gravitate more towards business inspiration, but you can’t beat Instagram for fashion, fitness, home and food. I know that sometimes when we catch ourselves scrolling through our Instagram feed, we leave feeling down on ourselves, wishing our lives looked this perfect. Now I want you to remember a couple of things.

One, accounts that have 10k followers or more are usually using their account as a business, even if you can’t tell. In order for that business to convey who they are as a brand, they have to put their best foot forward and that typically means a perfectly curated Instagram feed. Don’t envy, just learn from it.

Second, I challenge you to change your perspective. I know it’s not easy, but if we can channel our feelings of insecurity into inspiration, then scrolling through Instagram can be a way for us to learn how to be a better version of ourselves by learning new workouts, how to eat healthier and even how to stay organized (yes, there are professional organizers you can follow on Instagram). Here are a few of my favorite Instafriends I have a feeling you will fall in love with.








Home Decor and Organization








Let’s just go ahead and think of Pinterest as the google for all things creative. I’ll be honest, sometimes I don’t have a clear direction with pinterest, I just know I need some inspiration and I let that guide me. More times than not, I walk away with a plan on how to resolve a current issue, a new workout regimen or home project. Sometimes I just walk away with a few daily affirmations I know I needed or parenting advice I didn’t realize I was searching for. Inspiration isn’t an exact science, but it sure does feel good when you find it.

Although each of these inspiration producing hacks are essential to my weekly success, the most important step is the 30 minutes I take after each one. Inspiration isn’t helpful if you don’t follow up with action. After I spend time browsing Instagram or listening to a podcast, I sit down for 30 minutes and write out how I plan to use what I just learned. This may sound silly, but it’s so easy to feel inspired and then a couple of days later forget everything in the midst of our busy schedules.

I could go on for hours about the importance of staying inspired day to day, especially since we are surrounded by it! I hope that these hacks help you think outside the box and maybe even take you to that next level of your business, relationships or health that you’ve been searching for.

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