
My Top Youtube Recording Tips

Social media is a crazy place. I mean, we have multiple outlets to manage, hashtags to use and followers to gain. That being said, everyone has their favorite platform and although I love Instagram, Youtube is really the place where I feel I can reach my audience best. I guess I would say recording videos in general has become second nature to me. I know it’s not that way for everyone, but for me, I feel like my personality can really shine and people can connect with me on a deeper level. And to be honest, it looks like that’s where social media is heading as a whole. Beautiful pictures are great and will continue to draw an audience, but video has really made a name for itself over the last couple of years, especially when it comes to authentically connecting with your followers.

You didn’t know you were going to get a marketing lesson when you opened this did you? Well, buckle up friends! I’m excited to share with you some of my best and most successful tips when it comes to recording Youtube videos. Like I said, this is one of the platforms I feel most comfortable on, but I’ve also had a ton of practice. My hope is that these techniques will help you to feel that much more confident in your own video making skills.

Record in a place you feel most comfortable

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s so important. For me, I feel most comfortable filming in my salon chair. I know my way around, I know the lighting, I know which angles look best and I know exactly how to move within the shot. Now I won’t always have the luxury of filming there, but if I can control the place, that’s where I will always default to. Your audience can tell when you’re feeling most confident so make sure you set yourself up for success and film in a place you feel most comfortable.


Shoot one shot

For all my perfectionists out there, I know this is tough. It’s not easy, but the shot will never be perfect. You’re going to fumble, catch a weird angle or forget to say something you rehearsed a hundred times. My advice is to keep filming and keep the mistakes. It’s easy to edit things out and sometimes you’ll have to, but people can relate to imperfections and relatability goes a long way.


Utilize your phone at the beginning

Although eventually you may want to invest in a camera, when you’re first starting out, learn how to become a pro on your phone first. In fact, your phone may be better than some cameras out there. Although I do have a camera I use, I just ordered the new iPhone 11 because the cameras really are amazing. A couple phone tips…if you’re filming in portrait mode, make sure you use the InShot app for editing. It’s important to keep it vertical through that process (for instagram of course). That being said if I’m vlogging for Youtube, landscape mode works great!


Invest in the right equipment and software

Like I said before, when you’re first starting off, go lean and keep it simple. That being said, as I have evolved in the “video space” I have found equipment that as made a huge difference for me. Now if I’m not using my phone, I’m using my Canon 70D. It’s amazing and makes my videos look more professional. If I use that camera, I use Filmora to edit that footage on my computer. Also, as we know, the right angle is everything so the other piece of equipment I would recommend investing in is a tripod. I love the Joby Phone Tripod when I need to attach my phone to a random place before recording, but if I’m vlogging and need an actual stabilizer for my phone, I use the DJI Osmo Mobile 2 Gimbal. This one even comes with an app! I can’t recommend it enough if you’re trying to step up your game.


Most Importantly, you need to just pick a place and start. Video is one of those things you can spend years over thinking, but I challenge you to be bold. I know it’s hard to be vulnerable, but the more authentic you are, the more your audience will be able to relate to you. Don’t worry about being the expert in your space, just be yourself, keep it simple and have something valuable to offer the world. If you can master that, you’ll be perfect.

Make sure you share your videos with me. I can’t wait to see what you create!

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