
Be Kinder to Yourself

I’m in shock that we are already approaching Valentine’s Day! This year is flying by and before we know it, we are going to be ringing in 2021. Okay, that’s dramatic. I’ll slow down a little.

This year is off to a great start so far. I’ve celebrated the expansion of Jess Salon with our Re-Grand Opening Party, added to our team and have kept promises to myself that I know will continue to make me a better friend, leader, wife and mother. Keeping promises to yourself isn’t easy because often we would rather disappoint ourselves rather than someone else. But this year, I’ve committed to treating myself with the same grace I treat others with. It’s a work in progress, but I know if I can master this, I’ll be a better version of me.


I know what you’re thinking…easier said than done. I get it, but I believe that if we can make 2020 the year we learn to be kinder to ourselves, we are going to be in a much better place. I also believe that the kinder we are to ourselves, the kinder we are to those around us. So, I wanted to share with you a few ways I’m going to live this out. I know I won’t be perfect, but I think this will get me much closer to where I want to be. Here we go…


Tell yourself everyday…I’m a good person. Train your inner voice to recognize how incredible you actually are. Wake up, look in the mirror and tell yourself I’m a good person, good mother, good wife or whatever your thing is. We are often the hardest on ourselves…so let’s change the narrative.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. I’m not great at this, but like I said, this is all a work in progress. If you find yourself worked up over the messy kitchen or running 5 minutes late to a meeting, stop and breathe, life is good, you are good, and everything will be okay, messy kitchen and all.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. It’s easy to let responsibilities run our lives. So, take the time to do something fun. You may not have time every day or even every week, but carve out time to workout, write, paint or just sit at a coffee shop and read. Whatever lights you up, do that.

Take time to release. You’re going to feel stressed and overwhelmed from time to time. That’s normal and it’s inevitable. But make sure you balance that by scheduling time to release that stress. It might be meditation, calling a friend, saying a prayer or just going into a room and counting to ten (sometimes that’s all you have time for!) Even the smallest moment of peace can make a difference.

Sleep. You may be laughing to yourself, but getting enough sleep is our best chance at functioning as our best selves. I know it’s easy to get caught up working late at night and before you know it, it’s midnight and you have to be up in 5 hours. Figure out a nighttime routine and stick to it, allowing yourself to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Trust me, showing your body this care will make all the difference.

So, let’s start now. I challenge you to make this the week you start giving yourself the grace you deserve. And it’s perfect timing…just in time for Valentine’s Day.


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