
How to Stay Well this Summer

I’m going to say something controversial…

No one on the planet is “naturally” happy and healthy without putting in the work. It may have been different when we were kids, but once we have a little life under our belt with a side of responsibility, living a fulfilled life takes some effort.

Okay, it takes a lot of effort. But it’s worth it.

This Summer I’m committed to living well and investing in myself both mentally and physically. Since I think that we can all benefit from this, I wanted to share a few intentional tips with you that will help you do the same.

We all have the ability to develop healthy habits that can lead to a happier life. We just have to pick a place and start.

For me, it all starts with your mind. The body comes second.

But how do you retrain your mind to feel happier and healthier?

First, it may sound overly simple, but seek out more LOVE.

Fall in love with your home, the flowers in your backyard, the smell of the rain, the endearing (and quirky) qualities in your kids and your spouse, your job, your education and most importantly, yourself.

I believe that when you add more love into your life, you attract more love into it as well. It’s essentially the love of attraction. We attract more of what we choose to embody. And I think we can all agree that we would prefer to attract more positivity and light into our life, right?

Second, I’m also a firm believer that setting and achieving goals can also help strengthen your mind. It could be a big goal like training for a marathon or increasing your income by 10%, but it could also be something like getting to the gym for one more hour during the week or eating out for one less meal.

The art of setting a goal and accomplishing it can boost your confidence and lead to more self- love. Notice a pattern here?

Lastly, when it comes to the mind, take time each day to sit in silence. While we’ve already covered things you can do to strengthen your mind through achieving, we have to acknowledge that there is strength to be found in just “being”. Pick your favorite spot, read a book, journal, or just pour a cup of coffee and spend some time in gratitude with yourself.

Love, positivity, ambition, gratitude…all necessary when it comes to embracing a healthy mindset.

Now that we’ve covered the mind, let’s talk about the body. In my opinion, both are equally important when it comes to living a happy life.

Summer can be tough depending on where in the country you live and with kids home from school, your routine may look a bit different. But that doesn’t mean you forego it all together. There’s beauty in the change up.

For me, I know that scheduling time to be active at least 5 days a week keeps me in a positive flow.

But there’s a strategy to it.

I choose 3 times per week to workout or do some kind of physical activity for and with myself. It helps me achieve something hard while also feeling strong and capable (which plays a big role in how I show up everyday).

Second, I choose 2 times per week to do something active with my family. It may be a waterpark, kickball game, pool day, water balloon fight or a leisurely nighttime bike ride. This is the perfect opportunity to get in some family time while also investing in your physical wellbeing.

Living “well” doesn’t have to be complex, it just requires work, determination, and prioritization.

I hope these tips help you stay healthy and happy this Summer. We all deserve to feel like the best version of ourselves. So, let’s enter the Fall feeling refreshed, renewed and full of life.

I’ll see you there.

In the meantime, checkout my youtube channel for more tips!

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