
The Perfect Short Hair Curling Tutorial

I know what you’re thinking…Finally! This has been the year of the blunt bob, but let’s be honest, sometimes we need to change it up a bit and curling your short or medium length hair is a bit different than curling your long, luscious locks. That being said, I think adding a bit of curl is the perfect way to soften your new cut and gives you the versatility that you may have been used to with longer hair.

Don’t be afraid to go for it! Hair always grows back and you may love embracing this trendy new look. I totally did! The video is coming soon, but in the meantime, here is a step by step guide on how to get the perfect curl.

  1. Section your hair starting with ears and down.DSC_1.jpg
  2. Use your 1 1/4” curling iron in a vertical position with the clamp facing the mirror and curl away from your face.DSC_2.jpg
  3. Clamp your hair in the middle of the piece and roll up, then slightly unclamp and pull out some more and roll back up until you have about an inch of hair sitting outside of the iron.DSC_3.jpg
  4. Then pull the iron straight out without unclamping to straighten the end of the hair.4.jpg
  5. Repeat 2-4 but rotate your curls every other, curling towards your face.
  6. Bring down your next section temples and down.
  7. Repeat steps 2-5.DSC_5.jpg
  8. On your top section you should have about an inch thick of a section left.DSC_6.jpg
  9. Switch to a 1” curling iron.DSC_7.jpg
  10. Take smaller sections and repeat 2-5.DSC_8.jpg
  11. Once finished let your curls cool completely.
  12. Take a vent brush and comb through the curls or run through them with your fingers.DSC_9.jpg
  13. Use a texture spray to set your style!

And ta-da! As you can obviously see from the pictures, I don’t have naturally curly hair, but with this technique, I get the perfect amount of curl AND volume. The two main elements that you need to remember is to use two different size curling irons and to pull your ends straight. If you can follow this step by step guide, you will fall in love with your cute bob all over again. I promise!

Look for the video coming soon, but in the meantime, happy curling!

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